Previously on: My Life…
“Im quitting working at HP”
“Me and other 13 persons got elected to be the first employees of Daido Metal Mexico”
“-They are sending me to Japan 6 months on August”
“-Thats awesome!! congratulations!!”
“-Yeah.. that means im spending the end of the world there… what if i dont come back?…”
“We are gonna miss you so much in HP Andrew :/”
“Welcome to Daido, all 14 of you were choosen from over one hundred candidates. You will receive special trainning one month before we send you to Japan”
“Hajimemashite! Im Sánchez and this is Matsuura Sensei!”
“-Your grandma is worried..”
“-You are going to Japan?? why do you want to go there? when are you leaving??”
“Everything is set. Your plane leaves on august. Raúl, you go by US route. Andrés, you go direct Mex route.”
“So i guess i better start saying my last goodbyes…”
“Im gonna miss you Andy! :(”
“We are totally making a sayonara double party dude! :D”
“Off to DaBeach 7: the finale”
“Here we are guys, 10 years later, it has been a hell of an adventure so far”
“Your greatest hits. My greatest memories. Our greatest moments.”
“My greatest hit #5… is this moment.. cause its all that we got… all that there ever is…”
“Here, they are wayfinders, one for each of you, it will help us keep connected even if we are far apart”
“-Have you seen her or talked to her?”
“-No, not since the last time when she kissed me…”
“-Here Andy, i want you to have this.”
“-A book?”
“-Yes, it holds the key to the creation and detruction of the world…”
“-I will like all your attention please! lets give a nice applause for my friends who are going to Japan! and now shot! shot!”
“-No Andy, stop, dont do this. You are leaving, for 6 months. Go, have fun, learn, enjoy, grow. I dont want you to hold back for me. Dont leave anything behind and in your way…”
“We will see each other when destiny decides to reunite us, in the mean time, take care and be happy…”
“This is it, the beginning of the journey! last goodbyes and off we go!”
“Always remember that we create the world we imagine, i will be here for you if you need me.”
“I love you, please take care”
“-I promise im coming back dont cry…”
“Wherever you may go, always go with all your heart”
“Well this is my story…”
“Ladies and gentlemen, we are now arriving in Japan”
“-So this is Seki-shi?”
“-Yes, this is where we will be staying for the next months”
“Nice to meet you all, im Miguel, welcome to Daido Metal Bearings”
“You have this week free, you will receive money and a bike, use it to get to know the city, travel and prepare for the following trainning weeks”
“This is it guys, time to show them why we were chosen, lets do our best the following weeks, we are at the start of something great, lets give it our all!”
“Dont be afraid, getting lost will help you find yourself”
“Andy, you are a great guy, im sure you will find someone eventually, you deserve it and once you find her, you are gonna make her really happy im sure of it”
“Thinking of you, wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step forward to realize this wish. And who knows.. starting a new journey may not be so hard, or maybe it has already begun… There are many worlds, and they share the same sky, one sky, one destiny…”
“Viva México!!!”
“Life isn´t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
“Escape time and live without fear
Contemplate life and her mysteries
Listen to the silence and lose myself inside
Find answers in the whispers of the wind…”
“More and better adventure”
Many phrases that blowed my mind. Waiting for this season chapters XD.