Previously in My Life…

Posted by Squall on Jan 5, 2014 in Blog, My Thoughts, Personal Stuff |

Era un mensaje sólo para mí, una señal personalizada… Todo lo que había hecho hasta ese momento eran preparativos para ese cambio…

This is your final test. A showdown in Tokyo on Dec 21th. End the world or create a new earth.
You decide. Go and make your destiny…


We are grateful for what you guys did in Tokyo, how you saved the reality when it was about to collapse. This universe remain safe and the holy spirit is forever in your debt. Sadly all this events will only remain in your memories. The price for your heroic actss is that nobody will remember but yourselfs…

Ese momento triste en el que tienes que despedirte de personas que no volverás a ver…

68675_10151229135811446_1584867881_nDawn of a new year.   I’m so glad that this has taken me so long, cause its the journey that made me so strong.

Welcome back!!! we missed you!


I think you will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. Thats the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place.

295420_732578301060_299054634_nA bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking because her trust is not in the branch, but in her own wings.      Believe in yourself

Amar a un ser humano es atreverte a expresar el cariño espontáneamente a través de tu mirada, de tus gestos y sonrisas; de la caricia firme y delicada, de tu abrazo vigoroso, de tus besos con palabras francas y sencillas; es hacerle saber y sentir cuanto lo valoras por ser quien es, cuánto aprecias sus riquezas interiores, aún aquellas que él mismo desconoce; es ver su potencial latente y colaborar para que florezca la semilla que se encuentra dormida en su interior; es hacerle sentir que su desarrollo personal te importa honestamente, que cuenta contigo; es permitirle descubrir sus capacidades creativas y alentar su posibilidad de dar todo el fruto que podría; es develar ante sus ojos el tesoro que lleva dentro y cooperar de mutuo acuerdo para hacer de esta vida una experiencia más rica y más llena de sentido.


65915_10151496309135071_1097575747_nThe story of what happened in Japan may sound unbelievable, but this is part of what happened…

Fallen light Warrior, you must recover your heart, remember that the closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.

Harmony, abundance, surrender and let go and power. This four cards are the key that will lead you to the miracle. Seek it.


You are not in the world, the world is in you. Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists.

I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go…

IMG_4710but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye… RIP Grandpa


El viaje comenzó con un niño perdido y abandonado, dejado solo en la oscuridad.
El viaje finaliza con un niño que brilla repleto de felicidad y luz.
La única cosa que necesita para llegar ahí, es un adulto que lo tome de la mano y lo quiera y lo inspire con confianza.
Y eso es lo que ustedes son: guardianes del niño que está dentro de ustedes.



Muchas personas pasan años trabajando porque creen que eso es lo que “tienen” que hacer. Aunque por dentro sienten la necesidad de hacer algo diferente y constantemente se preguntan si realmente eso es todo lo que obtendrán de la vida.

Debes aceptar que difícilmente encontrarás un empleo que satisfaga tus verdaderas necesidades humanas. No aceptes de la vida menos de lo que te mereces. El primer paso es dejar de negar que no te gusta la realidad que estas viviendo y que sólo tú estás en la posición de cambiarla. Y no es tan difícil, sólo tienes que decir “renuncio”.  ¿Y si fracasas? Como dice mi padre, hay una fórmula para medir el éxito de un hombre: es la suma de las decisiones acertadas más las decisiones equivocadas menos las que nunca tomó.


what do you think is the price you pay for not trusthing in yourself?

IMG_4796We finally have kick off! project start!


A famous explorer once said, that the extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.164270_10151759426960071_975740383_n

All this time i was finding myself… and i didnt know i was lost.

“Arriesga, la vida es cambio permanente, siempre te da revancha. Recuerda que el que no está dispuesto a perderlo todo, no está preparado para ganar nada. Ahora que estás solo y tranquilo, que estas contigo mismo, único ser del que eres responsable te diré:

Deja que la curiosidad te lleve donde sucede la vida, no seas espectador de la televisión, sino protagonista de la tierra, recuerda que a los que se animaron les debemos todo, píntate un sí en la frente para que se te acerquen los que quieren vivir, sin preocuparte por el tiempo, en una eternidad se recomienza a cada instante. Y no pierdas energías cuidándote, porque la vida es bello peligro.”
~Facundo Cabral

1010893_10151706033080071_765270133_nNo sabras todo lo que valgo hasta que no pueda ser junto a ti todo lo que soy.

“We all want to feel wanted and needed, but more than that we are searching for someone to connect to. We want to have something that we know is real beyond a doubt. People talk of the search for a soul mate or our better half — a search for that someone to fill the void that we are feeling. What we are really searching for is a connection with another person that we can beyond any doubt claim to be real. In such a way we find certainty. We find our reality.

When we establish a connection that is this strong, our existence becomes confirmed. Whatever uncertainty we could have once held, now that we have connected with another we are certain of two things: one, that we are real, and two, that the person we love shares with us this existence. We are no longer alone and never again must question the reality of our being.”

Project Japan

8915_10151211425826446_170900902_nThis is the true story of 15 strangers picked to live in Japan and have theirs lives changed. Find out what happens when people stop being afraid, and start getting awesome.


Andrés, Where are you? Here.
What time is it? Now.
What are you? This moment.


Everytime I look up to the night sky and I know that yes, we are part of this universe, we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts is that the universe is in us. When I reflect on that fact, I look up, many people feel small because theyre small and the universe is big  but I feel big, because my atoms came from those stars.


Its wedding time!


In the end all we are left with is memories, the shadows of those magnificent moments that gave our lives meaning.


Lets go to the beach the HP way!


It’s not a matter of whether you CAN or CAN´T,
it’s rather you DO or DON´t…


Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one´s own sunshine

1237677_10151874751100071_119894422_nWe travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us…


Remember that we do not see things as they are, we seem them as we are. The world is your mirror.


One of the problems of human beings is mental habits. Once we created covers only rarely we step outside of that comfort zone and the consequence of that is a phenomenon know as hedonic adaptation, over stimulation to the same kind of thing, the same stimuli again and again renders that stimuli invisible, your brain has already mapped it in its own head and you no longer have to be engaged by it… we have eyes – yet see not, ears that hear nothing and hearts that neither feel or understand…


The most dangerous risk of all, the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.

“Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.” ~Yeshua


“Si olvidas lo que vales, olvidas lo que te mereces.”
20131017_001239“Im gonna miss you sis, please be safe and have an awesome trip”
“Attractions of deprivation”, basically the theory explains that we are attracted to people who can wound us the same way we were wounded in our childhood, as our psyche tries to recreate the past void and save us by changing its ending.

“The child in us believes that if the original perpetrators — or their current replacements — finally change their minds, apologize, or make up for that terrible rupture of trust, we can escape from our prison of unworthiness. Our conscious self is drawn to the positive qualities we yearn for, but our unconscious draws us to the qualities which hurt us the most as children.”


For my past, for my present and for what it is to come. Show me my destiny.


I have died everyday waiting for you.
Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you.
For a thousand years.
And love you for a thousand more…


Happy brithday Andy!



When i look back on my life, i see pain, mistakes and heartbreaks.
When i look in the mirror, i see strength, learned lessons, and pride in MYSELF.


“To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of Life”


20131225_025151“Merry x-mas grandpa, we hope this light gets to you in heaven.”


Life is truth, and never a dream… All souls know this from birth…
The truth is something that is chosen and grasped…
Sometimes discovered with one’s vision and will.

Only by gaining that does the seeker become truth himself,
a cord that connects past and future.

This is my path, the path of the fool.


Dont forget your focus.

“Más y mejor aventura”


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