Hoy quiero compartir este video. Para pensarse y reflexionarse las ideas que propone Jason Silva.
“So theres a great line that says that sex is a dissapointing answer to life´s riddle and that love is ultimately a religious problem – What we hope to get with love is what we fail to get with god.
Once Nitzche tolds us that god is dead we needed something else to believe in, so now we deify the other. When in love they are like the wind, they are our salvation, she becomes the sun.
What we really hope to get from love is completion, its transcendence, its inmortality NOW, its stepping off that people mover that’s carrying everyone else towards dead, its transcending the human condition. By merging with an incarnation of the divine we might be saved too.
Ultimately when we fall in love it’s a prayer, it’s a sacrifice, we give ourselves and hope that this being of light will save us from this animal condition.
The whole purpose in the human condition is to leave our animality behind and become the symbolic beings, the self creating beings that we are, this self aware, self creating consciousness that is constantly scripting and rewriting and editing it own subjective unfolding mind. Mind constantly  trumping matter.
“Hay una gran frase que dice que el sexo es una respuesta decepcionante para el acertijo que es la vida, y el amor es en ultimo caso un problema religioso. Lo que esperamos obtener con el amor es lo que fallamos en conseguir con dios.
Una vez que Nitzche nos dijo que dios estaba muerto, necesitabamos algo más en lo que creer, asà que ahora divinizamos al otro. Cuando estamos enamorados, el otro es el viento, es nuestra salvación, se convierte en nuestro sol.
En ultima estancia, el enamorarnos es un rezo, es un sacrificio, nos damos a nosotros mismos y esperamos que este otro ser de luz nos salve de esta condición animal.
El propósito de la condición humana es dejar nuestra animalidad atrás y convertirnos en seres simbólicos, en los propios creadores que somos, este ser consciente, consciencia creadora propia que esta constantemente haciendo guiones, reescribiendo y editando el despliegue de su mente subjetiva. La mente constantemente derrotando a la materia.
De esas veces que te topas curiosamente con el artÃculo de un tema que estabas platicando con tus amigos. Creo que es un tema recurrente entre muchas personas de mi edad, generación, tiempo. Más delante me adentro más en el tema, pero por lo pronto les dejo el artÃculo completo para reflexionar.
Seek Passion, Embrace Uncertainty: Why It’s Okay Not To Know Your Future
At some point, we’ve all found ourselves pondering the painful question, “What the hell am I doing with my life?†Some days, we feel like we’re on track. Other days, we wonder if we’ve made all the right turns. If you’ve got your future all planned out, good for you. Many of us, however, have no idea what the next five years of our lives will look like.
It is easy to imagine your vision of success: the car you’ll drive, the places you’ll travel, and the toys you’ll own. But what’s more difficult is understanding how to get there and doing it. When considering our careers, we’re faced with various questions: will I find one thing that satisfies me? What if I get bored? If I do what I love, will I make enough money? Will I be successful? Is it even worth it?
Of course, ideally, we would like to have it all figured out. Having it all planned out would mean knowing exactly what lies ahead of us so that we are never surprised by challenges, and so we can assure our friends and family they don’t have to worry about us. It’s nice to have a secure path to follow, leading us to success, status, and financial stability. Knowing that we have a concrete, foolproof plan would give us the assurance that it will all work out safely. But a set plan doesn’t always exist, especially if you choose the path less traveled.
If you have a roof over your head and resources for an education, you’re better off than a great deal of people in the world. If you are privileged enough to have the luxury of choosing your career, you owe it to yourself to take advantage of that freedom. Sometimes we have a good idea of what we want to do, but were not sure how to get there. And so many people get caught up in settling for a career for that very reason.
We may get rushed into making a decision because we think we’re supposed to have it all figured out by a certain point. People say, the faster you figure things out, the easier it will be. While that is true, to rush a decision that significantly impacts your life is not something to be done prematurely. It should be done with thought and care, seeing as this is your happiness and future we’re talking about. Work takes up a huge part of our lives, and for that reason, it is important to avoid settling for a career and to do what you’re passionate about.
Make no mistake about it; I don’t want to come off as if I know exactly where I am going. I have interests and experience in different areas, but if you were to ask me what job I’ll be working in five years, it would be a tie between a gifted TV-comedy writer, a top beauty executive, and an award-winning author. My varying interests in careers are not a demonstration of my foolishness and lack of direction, rather my honest passions that bring me the most joy and fulfillment. Work is most satisfying when you love what you do, and the only way to figure that out is to find just what it is that you love most.
When deciding on your future, you must consider your personal happiness. You really have to question your motives. If it’s money, stop yourself right now. Money will not make you happy. You might say, I want to be successful; just being happy doesn’t pay the bills. But if you follow your heart and work your ass off, you will be successful, which does pay the bills. It’s better to be both happy and successful.
Whatever you decide to pursue, make sure you are passionate about it. When you do work you’re truly passionate about, you work harder, you find grit when faced with challenges, and dedication and commitment to good work comes without much thought because you enjoy doing it. The strength of character that passion creates is the very element that makes our chances of success more likely.
But with pursuing passion comes uncertainties. The uncertainty of the future is what causes fear, anxiety, and frustration. It is the reason we churn the possible visions of our future over and over again and flip back and forth between thoughts of excitement that our lives’ bring when we’re successful, and the anxiety that fear brings of what life might be like if we fail. The thing about uncertainty is that it is inevitable. The best way to deal with our future’s uncertainty is to embrace it.
Following passion often means taking the road less traveled, and in order to reach success, you must accept that you will not always know exactly what to do, or expect. Regardless, you continue to relentlessly carry on until it becomes clear. Finding comfort in uncertainty allows you to focus on the present and less on the result. It gives you the confidence to proceed in your current progress towards your goals.
If you are carefully considering your decision to strike off in on direction or another, you have to have faith that it is all within good reason. Every career-related experience you have plays a part in your journey to success, whether it brings you closer to your goals or gives you an opportunity to better understand yourself. The path to success never makes perfect sense in the moment, but always comes full circle when looking back on it. As Steve Jobs famously said, “You will never be able to connect the dots beforehand.â€
There will be times when you are discouraged from, and possibly even doubtful of, reaching success. These times might arise when you’re confused about taking a job, your future job security, unsure of how to make ends meet, or wondering what will happen if you fail. This is where trust in yourself comes in. You have to truly believe that you are capable of dealing with whatever life hands you. The trick is to become a lifelong learner; it is your best defense.
We’re living in a time where job descriptions and skills change as rapidly as we change our minds. It’s essential that we continuously add necessary skills to our repertoire and not become complacent with our abilities. You have to be willing to fully accept responsibility for leading your life, and that means believing that when sh*t hits the fan, you won’t fail to take care of yourself, make a plan to firmly get back on your feet, and do what you need to do to keep moving forward.
Days of discouragement will come and go, but when you are doing what you love, even those days are worth the battle. Above all, know that you will never go wrong pursuing passion; it’s only matter of finding the best way to manifest it.
Primero recordando que la vida puede ser algo que abracemos o algo de lo que nos escondamos. Dejemos de hacer las cosas complicadas y simplemente vivamos nuestras vidas. SerÃa mucho más simple y más disfrutable si aprendieramos a liberar ciertas limitaciones.
La siguiente es una lista de las principales cosas que necesitamos dejar ir para realmente convertirnos en una persona más feliz.
No hay tal cosa como la pareja perfecta. En la vida, lo que no nos permite seguir adelante es ver la imagen perfecta que creamos en nuestra mente de nuestra pareja. Encuentra la persona correcta para ti: una que puedas amar con todo tu corazón, una con la que te sientas en confianza, que te acepte por la persona que eres. Mientras más pronto te des cuenta de que no hay una persona perfecta para ti allá afuera, lo mejor que estarás contigo mismo.
“He’s not perfect. You aren’t either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isn’t going to quote poetry, he’s not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Don’t hurt him, don’t change him, and don’t expect for more than he can give. Don’t analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he’s not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don’t exist, but there’s always one guy that is perfect for you.â€
– Bob Marley
5. La vida perfecta.
Asà como no existe la pareja perfecta, no hay tal cosa como una vida perfecta. La vida es lo que tu hagas con ella, si no estas dispuesto a trabajar duro y esforzarte, muy probablemente terminaras siendo miserable. Las decisiones que tomes directamente se reflejarán en la vida que lleves. Depende de ti el crear el mejor mundo posible para ti mismo.
7. La idea de que la buena fortuna va a llegar a la puerta de tu casa.
Necesitas salir al mundo y activamente buscar ahà tu realización. No puedes tomar el asiento trasero en tu vida y esperar que las cosas sucedan solitas para ti. Aprecia la vida que vives y se agradecido por lo que tienes. Valora cada minuto de cada dÃa. Vive como si no hubiera un mañana y saca provecho de lo mejor de cada situación.
8. Excusas
No hagas tiempo para excusas. Quieres hacer ejercicio, pero no tienes tiempo? Levántate temprano y ve a hacerlo al gym. Las excusas son solo razones que nos hacen sentir mejor sobre nosotros por no hacer algo que queremos / necesitamos estar haciendo. ¿Quieres resultados? deja de quejarte y empieza a hacerlos.
9. Pensamientos de tu ex.
Esta persona es tu ex por una razón. Si vas a pensar en el o ella, trata y piensa solo en las lecciones y las experiencias que esta persona te enseñó. No te quedes recordando y analizando sentimientos viejos, solo te va a impedir que puedas ser feliz con alguien más en el futuro.
Lo que le pidas al universo regresará a ti, asà que cambia la manera en que piensas inmediatamente. Piensa que la vida es un vaso medio lleno en lugar de uno medio vacÃo. Tienes tanto de lo cual estar agradecido, si tan solo te tomaras un minuto para apreciarlo. Cualquier cosa es posible en la mente de una persona que piensa positivamente.
La felicidad no es tener lo que queremos; es querer lo que tenemos. Deja de envidiar a los demás y aprende a apreciar lo que tienes. La vida de cada quien es única; todos tenemos ciertas cosas que ofrecer que otros no pueden. cuando actuamos de una manera envidiosa, lo único que hacemos es traer emociones negativas a nuestras vidas. No hay abolutamente nada que ganar al actuar de esta manera.
16. Inseguridad.
Las personas más felices tienden a tener mayores niveles de autoestima. Se aceptan por quienes son y trabajan cada dÃa de su vida para crecer. Irradian confianza y vibras positivas. No hay razón ara ser inseguro a la vida. Si hay cosas de las cuales eres consciente que no te gustan, ve afuera al mundo y busca cambiarlas. Solo tú tienes la habilidad de crear la mejor versión de tà mismo.
Deja de vivir en el pasado! No hay absolutamente nada que puedas ganar al quedarte pensando en tus antiguos errores una y otra vez. Tómalos como lecciones aprendidas y sigue adelante. No puedes moverte completamente a un futuro mejor si sigues constantemente viendo hacia atrás. Las cosas pasan y asà es la vida.